Monday, April 18, 2011

Swami Arundhati Saraswati - Program in Chennai

Satyananda Yoga Education Charitable Trust had the rare opportunity of convening a week long series of programs by a very senior Swami of Bihar School of Yoga tradition.

Here are some photos of the program

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What is Education?

Education is not the amassing of information and its purpose is not mere career hunting.

It is a means of developing a fully integrated personality and enabling one to grow effectively into the likeness of the ideal that one has set before oneself.

Education is a drawing out from within of the highest and best qualities inherent in the individual. It is training in the art of living.

Sri Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Education is not injecting knowledge or information from outside. It is creating an atmosphere in which you will be able to express the knowledge which is already in you.
Education must be designed so that it can serve two purposes. Firstly to enlighten the intellect, to purify the emotions and to improve the quality of social awareness, and secondly to awaken and express the inner knowledge.

—Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati